Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Seeds: 147
Peers: 71
Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 1999
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: George Lucas
Starring: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman
Two Jedi Knight-term lock enemies and allies to find the boy in the balance of power could lead to a meeting, but long dormant reborn Sith declared its former glory.Two Jedi Knight-term lock enemies and allies to find the boy in the balance of power could lead to a meeting, but long dormant reborn Sith declared its former glory.
Of course, this movie had a ton of hype and the movie can live up to all this .... chatter chatter. Even if we assume that this movie is kind of disappointing. This film shows that it is not just special effects that made Star Wars fun to watch. It was as if George Lucas was so excited that he could do with CGI effects, he forgot what made the original trilogy so great that letters and symbols. Not a bad movie, but the problem many.-Many people let this film to be dull as they say it is only the first in another trilogy, and it's just creating all to follow. Wrong wrong wrong, this film was to be his first movie, and the other three movies were. It is necessary to have good characters and some interesting story .... is didnt. conflict in the story revolves around the trade dispute and the fate of the planet Naboo. Was anyone really care about this? Details of the dispute more vague and does not show actual generate enough interest for us to root for a party. An important conflict over Darth Sideous and its growth is kept far, far in the background. We do not even know why Darth Maul hate Jedis so .... it just does. Maybe Lucas likes Darth Maul with something like boba Fett (quiet and mysterious). He worked with boba Fett, because he was only supporting character rather than the villain. This movie really has no clear villain. I wish someone would have the courage and just told Lucas that his main story was lousy.-no one looks especially happy in this film. Qui-Gon is really the only character that can be associated with, and even that was far enough. Queen acts as a mannequin in most of her scenes (and looks like one). Obi-Wan Kenobi is haunting the film is useless, and never say anything interesting. The characters never seem to talk about anything except the plot (unlike the first film). C3PO and R2-D2 are pretty stupid. Jedi Council perceived as very cold and buracratic. I will never understand why they wrote Annakin as a class the student in this film. He was a teenager. His scenes with the Queen were clumsy. Not even going to discuss Jar Jar.Various more ...-midochlorians work seems just tacked on. Humor falls flat, unless you are very young child. Annakin destroys merchant ship at the end of each and safves, up by mistake! MPM and George Lucas seems to be very happy with their new toys CGI, they spend 95% of their time perfecting them. Honestly, I thought the FX Return of the Jedi were sharper and less cartoonish measured. Not all that memorable does not seem to happen here. This movie was never as good as the hype, but it could easily be much better than that. I've been waiting for this movie, but I first saw this movie I really get bored in the middle of it.There good points. Pod race was fun, as was the light saber battle at the end. There are some very good special effects throughout. I hope that Lucas just writers block when writing it. Maybe he will remember what he did the other movies, so a good time for Episode II. Although he seems to have spoiled his name already.
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